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Are Germans rude??

Postado em Alemanha forum

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • Va para perfil de John Lovejoy

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    I concur on the rude and just don’t think that there is any reason to be like that.
    What’s wrong with saying please and thank you and a little smile now and again?
    Basic manners.

  • Va para perfil de Michael Paul

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    I am an American who lived in Germany for 3 years. I grew up in a small farming community. It was a culture shock for me at first. At times I felt some of the Germans seemed a bit rude. I have had people cut me off while walking or have had the door not left opened while I was walking in. It seemed more that way in larger cities. Germany is one of the largest countries (population wise) in Europe. The bigger cities seemed they had more ruder people. But, if you visit NY or Chicago people would get the same impression. Everybody is in a hurry and one track minded. I rented a small flat in small community in Germany from an elderly couple. They were very friendly and often times would let me eat with them. Overall I just think it is just cultural differences. If somebody doesn't smile or say hi they seem rude. I think they are just busy and have a place to get to.

  • Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    I can understand what you mean. You can feel good or bad in some situation and regions, but it depends on the person and if you are alone or not.

  • Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    But nothing happens to you! Of course things like this happen where I am, but I never see them. I am feeling better when my boyfriend is with me, because he is really tall and other people get fear. But he never do any bad things to other persons. There are also clubs where I do not want to go in, because they look strange and other persons go in. I want to be a person who nobody see, that nothing would happen to me, but you never know where is a bad person and want to do a bad thing to anybody and you just stand next to him or her. I can not say where something could happen to anybody and I do not know any region. I am sorry

  • Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    But the problems is you can not say where a bad region is. I was in Flensburg nothing happen to me, but a friend of me lives there and she was mugged on the street. In oest Germany also happen nothing to me. At work somebody steal my phone, so my work would be one of this region for me :) I could not define this bad regions

  • Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    But make live easier. I want to live like everyday could be the last day, there happen so many bad things in the world and I know I can not live so, but I want. I do not want to think everyday about the hungry in the world or the crime. That makes nothing better

  • Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    Why, I think everywhere can happen somthing

  • adi adrian

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    stay away from east germany

  • Va para perfil de Bob Smith

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    As far as people in developed western countries go, Germans are normal and mostly they are not rude.
    I come from London and worked in Germany for five years and now I am back in the UK. If you want terrible service and rude people in public places then London beats just about everywhere I can think of in Germany. The people on the tube and in the street in London barge past you, they almost never say excuse me, the atmosphere is unfriendly, stressful and often threatening. If you look at most people they ignore you flatly or scowl at you and if you look at a young male then you can feel very threatened. It is very aggressive compared with most German cities.
    The service in most bars and cafes in Britain is overly familiar and rude compared with Germany. I miss the way the change is put on a plate in Germany, I don't like touching a sales assistant's sweaty and dirty hand. In London I find they are often sarcastic and rude if you don't tip, and they often act resentfully towards middle class people. This is another side to Britain I had forgotten about, our class system, with all the rudeness and resentment that we have here between the social classes, which is much worse here than it is in Germany.
    I never thought I would say this but I also really miss the 'Sie' in Germany which keeps strangers at a comfortable distance. I don't like being called 'mate' or 'buddy' by a waiter or a barman thank you very much.
    Also Germany is orderly, there is much less drunkeness and public disorder, much less litter and the people are generally better dressed in Germany as well.
    The only thing I would say is people smoke much less in Britain which is a plus point.
    But overall I would say the people here in Britain and especially London are ruder than Germans. Germans can take a long time to get to know and sometimes seem a little cold at first but they are not generally rude people.

  • Yvonne Yan

    Postado por  em Alemanha forum 

    German and American are kind of two foreign cultures that I was exposed to most. I worked for a german company, learn a bit german, lived and studied in US... To me, the germans I met (let's say over 20 of them) are very friendly. Especially when I was expatriated to the UK by my company, I was with a group of german colleagues, they always remembered to invite me to diners and activities as they knew I could be bored alone there. When you talked to a german, he/she does listen to you, yes, they stare at you and listen what you say. they might not agree or give you negative comments but I just took it as a joke or an icebreaker. Sometimes, I felt their seriousness was quite cute... however, when I got to germany, I do see people are kind of cold, not in a rude way though.... On the other hand, americans are so hard to get along with, they often get impatient when you are talking. I speak fine english but cannot speak as interesting as them. Because, without a "deep" understand of their culture, you might not be able to talk anything interesting to them. They are only interested in america, nothing else. To me, that is a bigger rude. And they often squeeze you out amid conversation because they speak louder and faster.... and do not expect americans to take you serious for a friendship if you don't grow up there... Not to offend anyone, just want to share my experience.

    Back to the topic, one bad experience is when I dated a german guy... totally a jerk lawyer. He haunted me for a while and always blamed me for not giving him attention, but when you want to meet, he stood me up and don't think anything wrong with it... that's totally rude. I'm out of speech regarding what respect means... also, another german I dated, just in a few hours, the guys spoke explicitly about sex and gave me ugly hint, I was shocked and offended.

    I think I need to know more germans in order to decide whether I should reverse my assessment or not.

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