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improve my english

Publikováno v Fórum Lyon

Hello everybody !
I'm french and I live in Lyon.
I'm searching english people to improve my english. I could improve your french in exchange !
See you later, bye !

  • Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Lyon 

    Bonjour Melanie,

    Je arriverai a Lyon le 3 Mars 2012. Je vais etudie le Francais a Alliance Francaise.

    Je peux vous aider avec votre langue Anglais si vous voulez :)

    Mon address d'email est [...]

    Passe une bonne semaine,


  • Mehran Mehran

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Lyon 

    Hi there, I can definitely help u, I gotta an MA in English Literature and will try to improve ur English as much as I can. interestingly I am also a beginner in learning french would u also give me a hand in to upgrade my French in exchange??:)
    here's my email: [...]

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