Επιστροφή στην Πορτογαλία φόρουμ

Cascais Portugal

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Πορτογαλία

Hey there, here is my vision of Cascais city in Portugal!
I had that awesome experience as a volunteer in Ljmonede hostel in Cascais.
You’ll not be surprised why royal family choose Cascais as its summer residence on late 19th century - when you’ll see it by your eyes, walk by your feet, listen by your ears and feel with your whole body!
Enjoyable and pleasant nature – and that feeling you want to look more and ahead and you take pictures in your mind more and more.

This beautiful city has calm and very respectful lifestyle. Old and trig buildings. White sand beaches surrounded by salty, refreshing ocean water. Nice and agreeable locals with open heart!
This might be surfer's and windsurfer's paradise with massive crashing rollers.
Near Cascais there are lot of other places and cities what to discover one of them is Sintra. Morning walks in Sintra could take your breath away – beautiful panorama view, watching how sun is rising and clouds disappearing under your feet. To feel that beautiful and mysterious energy what comes from mountains.

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