Ines F

درباره من

Ines F
 Ines F
درباره من:
Looking for people to hang out with, bike around Lund and just generally meet friends. I'm up for everything and anything, just message me :)
زندگی در:
Skåne län (Sweden)
زبان ها:
English, Croatian
به دنبال:
دوستان, تماسهای کاری
Sweden, Skåne län


علاقه مندی ها:
Animals/Pets, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Cooking, Drama-Plays/Musicals, Movies/Videos, Music, Photography, Travel/Sightseeing, Volunteer/Community Activities, Languages. History. Writing. Poetry.
موزیک مورد علاقه:
Metal, Rock, Industrial, Classical.
فیلم های مورد علاقه:
Horror, action, thriller, adventure genres.
کتابهای مورد علاقه:
Stephen King - The Green Mile, Elizabeth Kostova - The Historian, Dan Brown - Angels and Demons, Rene Belbenoit - Dry Guillotine, Deborah Harkness - A Discovery of Witches..
وضعیت ارتباط:

حرفه ای

Administrative assistant