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Can anyone recommend a good pediatric speech therapist?

Publié dans forum Koweït

Hi everyone,
I am in search of a speech therapist for a young pre-k aged child (3 y/o). If you know of one or maybe where I could call to get info on one I would really appreciate it!

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  • Se rendre au profil de K S

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    I posted my reply 3 years ago the lady I was using has now left Kuwait sorry

  • Se rendre au profil de Ahmed Haridy

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    Hi, can you please provide me with her mobile no so we can contact her for our son


  • Se rendre au profil de Mariam Asad

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    Can i have the number of the therapist you have please.


  • Se rendre au profil de Suja A

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 


    I am staying in Abassiya. Looking for a good speech therapist. Can you please give your mobile number to contact you.


  • Se rendre au profil de K A

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    Hello KS

    I hope that your son's fluency has improved.

    I would be most grateful if you could provide the contact number of the American speech therapist. I need someone for my 3 year-old son who has developed a stutter.

    I am actually looking for an SLP that practises the Lidcombe Programme but thought to ask your therapist for advice/referals.

    Thank you

    K.S. (my initials too, really!)

  • A H

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    Dear madam,
    We are looking professional speech therapist for our son (3 years old), he is having hearing defeciency and using hearing aids since 4-5 months.
    Kindly reply the message or advice a professional speech therapist. (99470614) (90091158)
    - Amjad Fraz

  • publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    i need a speach thearapist
    94051111 you can call at

  • publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    i need a real speach thearapist...not only a person with few pictured cards!!!
    any help please?

  • Se rendre au profil de Anna Karadimitrova

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 

    I'm also looking for a speech therapist for my son.If you happen to know a good one, please send the contact details to [...]x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Se rendre au profil de Deleted user Iqbal

    publié par  dans forum Koweït 


    I am looking for a speech therapist.. please call me on 66380261

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