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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

פורסם ב גרמניה פורום

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של GaB ♦♣♥♠

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    hello everybody! all this comments are very interesting, I was living in Germany few months ago, Im in México now and I hope be there on July again, In my experince living there I can say, I find a job, very quicly, I don't speak German, I meet good friends and kind people, and all that people used to care of me a lot. I saw some Neo nazis in a place named Frankenberg, I am in skinhead lifestyle, for this reason they pay attention to me, cose we ware very closer style clothes, but they are not real skinheads they are just nazis.... however, inclusive I don't had troubles with them, Im brunnette, small, Im mexican jesus! and nobody was rude with me, never, in that area where I used to live is nazi specially, very closer than my house exist a nazi cementery, and no, nobody told me or fault to my respect, never. just in my job, somebody told me about learn german lenguage that's it, I visited many places in all this country, living there I travel to Netherlands and France, and was the same, everybody was nice with me. Im so glad.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Vladimir Tatransky

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    You are right Jack, it is not nice although it is true - I apologize for that. But is it OK when someone will label whole country as racist country when it is not true? It make me furious when I see how some people are insulting whole nation and it is not only because this time it is Germany.

    Just a simple google search:

    I experienced most of the stuff that was mentioned here even if I have european look. If you traveled around few countries then you know that it is normal when you are a foreigner.

    But please let us know what is your experience.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Jack H

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Very nice of you Vladimir to call people liars just because they may have experienced something you have not.

    How could you possibly know? People are sharing things that have happened to them in Germany. Some people view this as racism, some people think it means the Germans they have met are not nice people.

    That doesn't make what they said invalid and worth being labelled a liar for.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Vladimir Tatransky

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Prohibition of photos in CV - Can someone tell me how this suppose to help ???

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Vladimir Tatransky

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    I'm sorry to say that but I think that you will never be happy in Germany. Problem is that your head is full of racism and you use it to excuse all bad things that happened to you. Just change your thinking and maybe you will see what is the life in foreign country about. I can guarantee that most of the stuff that you mentioned also happened to me but in my case it is not racism :)
    In your comments you just insulted a lot of nice people and country that welcomed you and provided you with hospitality. I do not understand why do you stay here if you hate everybody here so much.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Vladimir Tatransky

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    I cannot agree with most of the stuff that I have seen in this thread.
    Germany is absolutely safe for anyone who wants to visit it.
    If someone says that Germany is full of racism then he is a liar and should compare it with other countries or his home country.
    Before the visit just check for cultural differences and do not expect that it is the same as at home.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Ron Saxena

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Ur a dolt who tries to win by tiring out opponent.
    I never said, the lady in Tram giving me dirty looks, is equal to Genocide in Rwanda. U said, the reality in Germany is better than many other countries. I assume u meant, second grade citizen status in Germany is better than the harsh reality of many other 3rd World countries.

    Small example : You cannot kill 4% of Syrian refugees or Sri Lankan Tamils, because in their native country they have higher risk of getting slaughtered..lets say 10%.

    I meant: When in Germany , evaluate by German standards. That goes for migrant Doctor, Engineer or programmer.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Ron Saxena

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    What I miss in your argument is logic. genocides in Africa does not set and example for Germany to emulate the same.
    Once someone gets residency in a country, denying equal treatment is called RACISM, by any and every definition. And if you are systematically offered left overs of dominant section society, in spite of meeting criteria for something better, that is classic definition of second grade citizen.

    Now, I repeat : Justify issues in this reference frame. Do not bring in the injustice which was meted out to Dinosaurs when they were killed by asteroids. And hence trying to water down the issue, by claiming injustice and discrimination is omnipresent in this World.

    P.S: "my branch of Islam demands loyalty to the country you live in.." Very phony, and strongly unsubstantiated by socio-political evidences. Read some news, blogs. You will know, how far you are from reality.

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Ron Saxena

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    Stop trying too hard to be satirical by using titles like "Rony boy". Try to hit the nail by your argument and logic, ... something clearly missing in your rant (albeit defensive)

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של Ron Saxena

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  גרמניה פורום 

    So u meant, its perfectly acceptable to treat foreigners as second grade citizen !! Good ..
    I do not mind playing second fiddle to "native born" German. (I guess you meant Caucasian German, blond hair , blue eyes.. ). But not to every other shades whiter than me.
    And kindly stop hiding behind the garb of Non white, that too Muslim American. And claim to be an outsider, who is perfectly happy with status quo. It sounds really fake. Kindly spill you original WASP identity.

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