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I have lived in England since my birth in 1960.
London is NOT England. It is another country. Some 26 of my relations have left the place. If you do end up there always be sure with whom you make friends and trust your most basic instincts.
The British are generally gentle and fair and take people at face value. In the north you will get more people talking to you just for the sake of talking. Queuing is a must. People do notice manners but keep quiet about it. Good employers notice if you pay attention to detail in appearance and your work.

Good luck and God bless.

  • Neil de Reybekill

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  בריטניה פורום 


    I think that how you get on will depend not on your accent - but your attitude.

    Many overseas visitors struggle to fit-in and find work over here and, sometimes, that has to do with external factors like the area they live-in or the economic climate for jobs.

    But, most visitors here find work if that is what they want. Whether Russian graduates working in the gentlemen's clothing section of a department store or Spanish sociologists waiting tables in a restaurant, the jobs are there if you want them.

    Most important will be to get to know a bunch of like-minded people - to make friends with and socialise with. Try universities, sports clubs, churches, language centres - anywhere that people your age or in a similar situation might hang out.

    As a graduate student in Denmark, I cleaned schools, offices and factories to start with, before settling down to use my degree teaching over there for 5 years. The same is true anywhere - you might not be able to use your degree here to start with but, by doing the jobs and the shifts that local people won't do, you can make a living and have fun doing so.

    It is down to attitude. And you need to be active in seeking out activities, employment and contacts...

    Good luck!


  • עבור אל הפרופיל של justin mash

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  בריטניה פורום 

    jobs are hard to come by full stop at the depends on what type of work you are looking for and what skills you have. If your fluent in langauges translation work pays well and easy to come by if you dont mind traveling. Your degree will get you work.
    it is expensive to live here but then since the euro Germany is bloody expensive now as well so i think you may notice you are a little better off here.
    You will find that english people will like you for two, your pretty....two, we find tanned people attractive as we are very pasty (white)....your only problem may be if you have picked up a german accent as a lot of people here are very racist towards germans because of the war :( but if you still have a south american accent you will get on great as we have a lot of foriegnors here from europe and africa but not many south americans. As islanders we can be very insular but if you talk to people they will answer but it can be difficult to make friends in the big cities....alot easier in the smaller places.
    happy new year and i hope this helps.
    ask anything you want....will try my best to answer

  • פורסם על ידי  ב-  בריטניה פורום 

    Hello everyone here, happy belated New Year n crimbo.

    Im Bedo from Egypt and about to move to england to live there in Sheffield, so do anyone know hows things there and hows the ppl n work.

    thanks alot

  • Neil de Reybekill

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  בריטניה פורום 

    Sure, London isn't the whole story. But we should also say that, like anywhere, there are differences between City and countryside, or between small town and big city. These are differences which are just as important as those between North and South.
    I teach overseas students everyday and they always comment on queuing, manners and politeness. These are all things that, as the saying goes, 'cost nothing'. So, a few moments learning about what constitutes English manners will be time well spent.
    Also, my Latin American students often remark on the weather (how cold/wet it is) and that people can be a bit 'distant'. English people are warm hearted, but they are private and traditionally a bit reserved.
    Maybe this is connected to our wonderful weather, too!
    When I have travelled in Asia, I have found that the constant company in societies which focus on family quite tiring.
    So my thoughts would be just to warn you about the weather, and remind you to prepare for how people here value politeness and privacy.
    And, if you need any help with your English, please [...]

  • עבור אל הפרופיל של justin mash

    פורסם על ידי  ב-  בריטניה פורום 

    I have to agree with patrick....London is NOT might as well be another country. Everything else patrick said is bang on....If you are living in germany the main difference you will notice is the way we que for everything and the way we talk to each germany you demand england you say please can i have and then thank you. I lived in germany for two years and would say it is easier to make money here rather than there due to there stupid base rate of tax....ours is 22% instead of 50% in germany. I have german relations so if you want to know more just ask and i will get them to contact you.
    i live in the south so if your thinking of moving this way message back and i can help you with references and finding housing.
    happy travels

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