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Review of Kuwait

Diposting di forum Kuwait

I just returned from a long stay in Kuwait, and I can't begin to think of a starting point to rant about my experience.
I was in Kuwait for one full year. I stayed in Salmiya, at a fairly nice residence. From the moment I arrived, I was appalled at how many of the expats and foreign nationals were treated by the Kuwaiti nationals. My observation merely reinforced the idea that the Americans are only in the country for the security of the oil, and not to maintain the relations with the Kuwaiti nationals.
After interviewing several western nationals, it was quite evident that Kuwait is a country that the Arab Community turns a blind eye to when it comes to human rights violations. If a woman has been hired in the Philippines as a receptionist or a bank executive, she will most certainly find herself being used as an abused maid or a sex slave, as this was my findings in several cases.
In conclusion, Kuwait is by far one the worst places to ever except a job. Some of my fellow Jordanians believe that if there was a nation of infidels and hypocrites it would be known as Kuwait.

  • diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    Hi Angel.
    He talked about apology being sarcastic in the same time.
    And im not going to offer him anything as long as we are allies:)

  • Angelo Iorio

    diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    "This was not the right way to prove that americans do respect the customs of the country."

    I would just like to point out that Nick's posts in no way reflect whether he has respect for anothe country or not. This is a conversation about a disagreement on an INTERNET POSTING. You seem to be very educated, therefore you must realize your statement is more than misleading. When discussing apples, let's stick to apples, not oranges. You should offer him an apology as he graciously offered you one. Just sayin...

  • Nick Ryan

    diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    Oh heavens, thats quite enough of this. Have a wonderful night, Miss Kali. All the best to you and yours. God Bless!

  • diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    This was just an experiment how to discuss a topic.
    Hope you got your mistakes.
    First you were not positive . You accused others that they have written
    something while its clear they didnt. You didnt define your main idea and didnt
    provide evidence. Also you were sarcastic.
    Please, think on this. This was not the right way to prove that
    americans do respect the customs of the country.

    Kind regards :)

  • Nick Ryan

    diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    You're right, no one did say that. So when you write in your post that some one did, it's misleading at best.

    The opinion expressed by Allen is commonly held and patently inaccurate, in my humble opinion. I articulated as much in my post.

    I highly doubt that getting better at reading the English language is high on the list of things I should do, but I'll take it under advisement just that same.

    Have a wonderful evening. All the best to you, and sorry if you took my attempt at clarification personally. If you need to be right, then you are right. If disagreement and differing opinions/interpretations offend and upset you, the internet is not the place for you. lol

    If you feel I misrepresented you in my post, allow me the chance to say I'm sorry and I will work hard to ensure it never happens again.

    Fair enough?

  • diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    Hello Hello :))
    Check what Alan has written:

    "Americans are only in the country for the security of the oil, and not to maintain the relations with the Kuwaiti nationals."

    Actually nobody has told that americans do not respect the customs of the country.
    It was only you who used such words. Read the posts, please.
    Yeah :)

  • Nick Ryan

    diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    Yeah Angelo, I know. Unreal, the nerve I have.

    "The other user has not told that americans do not respect the customs of the country"

    If you mean we don't, I disagree. If you mean he is saying we don't, I also disagree. If you mean someone was saying that he was and you are defending his post, no one was saying or thought that he did. If you mean something else, its not clear based on how you wrote that sentence. If I misunderstood your English, its an honest mistake on my part. Please forgive my comprehending skills, as they must be lacking.

    Accusing others is my favorite pasttime ever, of course. lol. Of course not. Just reading and responding, as we all are.

    Smile back at you! lol

  • Angelo Iorio

    diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    Yeah, Nick...

  • diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    Hi dear Nick,
    You have written:
    "I also totally disagree with your statement that Americans don't respect the cultures and customs of Kuwait."

    Would you please explain where is written this statement because i have not
    written this in my post. How you can tell i have told something here while it is visible i am not?

    Do you always accuse others in something they have not done.

    Friendly smiles :)

  • Nick Ryan

    diposting oleh  di forum Kuwait 

    @Christy hi, its been a while since I have seen you. I hope all is going well with you and your family, and if there is anything I can do you know you can always get ahold of me.

    @Kali I don't think I understand your point as to the security of oil in Kuwait. I don't understand what you are referencing, to be honest. You mean Americans are in Kuwait for the security of oil? If that's your point then I totally disagree with that statement. I don't think its possible for a statement about what Americans are doing in Kuwait to be less in tune from the truth in fact. But you are entitled to that opinion. I also totally disagree with your statement that Americans don't respect the cultures and customs of Kuwait. Every country has their people that give us a bad name, and America does have bad people for sure. But as Americans, we strive every day to comply and respect the customs of the countries that are kind about to allow us there as guests, not only Kuwait but many, many others. Speaking for the thousands of soldiers and American people here in Kuwait, the respect we have for the Kuwaiti people is limitless. I've never even heard an American say a bad word about a Kuwaiti in the years I've been here. We are guests of Kuwait, first and foremost. I think we are very good guests. I think if we were not, they would have kicked us all out a long, long time ago. lol

    If I'm misunderstanding your points, please correct me. I feel compelled to defend my countrymen here in Kuwait. I don't think we're as bad as a few people say we are. I think most anyone you met here in Kuwait would tell you that Americans are respectful and good people who care deeply about others, their culture, feelings, and lifestyles.

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