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What is the best bank in Spain, cuel es mejor banco?

Diposting di forum Spanyol

what is the best bank in Spain as regard to services and benefits please?

cuel es mejor el banco en espana para servicio y beneficiar porfavor?

  • diposting oleh Pengguna yang sudah dihapus di forum Spanyol 

    I´d would recomend La Caixa - CuentaCero: It´s a commisson free account. The internet system is good, the staff is friendly and they have local offices pretty much everywhere.

  • Pergi ke profil Vicki Chalmers

    diposting oleh  di forum Spanyol 

    I used La Caixa and would highly recommend it for its services and benefits. Most of their personnel speak several languages and they also have excellent on-line services.

  • Pergi ke profil jean galibert

    diposting oleh  di forum Spanyol is a broker dealing with all banks in Spain

  • Pergi ke profil HD V

    diposting oleh  di forum Spanyol 


  • diposting oleh  di forum Spanyol 

    I have had no problem with Solbanco and they do give additional free benefits with a current account.

  • Pergi ke profil Naveed Hassan

    diposting oleh  di forum Spanyol 

    Thank you very much for your reply. Actually i live in Spain and want to open a bank account. I want to open an account in such bank which gives the best services to its customers at low cost. I will check your bank soon by visiting the local office. Thank you very much again for your reply.

  • Stefan Dulisch

    diposting oleh  di forum Spanyol 

    try deutsche bank, you can receive money at no cost, not like all the other banks who all charge 3 % for money that comes from other countries.
    despite that they offer a decent service and low fees.

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