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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

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Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 


    You are Italian, no? As such Italians must talk! If you reside in the German cantons, they are definitely a little more reluctant to speak, HOWEVER, that being said, once they get to know you they DO open up.
    May I make a suggestio?. Move to the Italian or French cantons. Here you will find more camaraderie and definitely more open-mindedness about sharing words. Also, remember, you are in a different country. Keep an open mind about the people and the customs. The Swiss are a proud lot, but if you approach any people with a pre-disposed negative mind-set you will attract just that. You are young, handsome, intelligent. Surely you WILL fit in somewhere. Find clubs that you can join in with similar interests. Most of all, expect to find friends. A winning attitude generally wins friends! The best of everything to you my friend!

  • Pergi ke profil Daniel L

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    Darling, seriously? OMG, you are SO clever! You know us darkies are as thick as 2 short planks, so that solution never came to mind. THANK YOU so much for your really spiffing advice! (tis quite funny that you yourself mention "cold hearted"...just sayin')

  • Pergi ke profil Li Lu

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    I would recommend those people who do not like Switzerland to leave it - more space for those who know to appreciate it. As simple as that - love it or leave it. I love it, boring as it might seem to other Europeans that are just jealous of how beautiful and well run this country is. Coldhearted people only if YOU (I mean the newcomer) do not want to integrate. Go to US and don`t speak English, will you be welcomed?

  • I need help

    diposting oleh Pengguna yang sudah dihapus di forum Swiss 

    hello to everyone.i am sorry that i am interrupting your discussion,but i am a new user of swiss forums and i need some help.i am planning to study in Switzerland.currently i live in Albania and i am at 12th grade high i have to speak and write German fluently,but i do not speak German.i have read that it would be more effective to learn German in Germany than in Switzerland,because Swiss German is more difficult (i do not know if this is true).can anyone recommend me something?does anyone know any good school in Bern where i can learn German to reach the level to enroll in Bern University?would it be better in Germany or in Switzerland?
    Hope you will help me.
    Thank you very much.

  • Pergi ke profil Daniel L

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    @Regina: Ok ok, maybe "hate" is a too strong a word..."strongly dislike" is perhaps better. :) I don't know about reading another book about the Swiss....will it depress me? :)
    @Tarquin: I wish some of my friends would want to come to Switzerland. They do not. Especially after hearing me bitch and moan. :)

    @ Karim: I am SO envious. Hong Kong is my favorite Asian city! Congrats.

    @Roger B: Very nice to hear this opinion from a Swiss. Thank you. I can hope. Still, in my experience, there are not many Swiss with an open minded attitude, you must be the exception to the rule. :) (>this is of course meant as a joke)

  • Pergi ke profil Roger B

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    I'm sorry you regard your time in Switzerland as being so bad. I know from your previous statements that it is not possible to brush this off as some short-term bad time or failure to accomodate. The time you have spent here appears to be just too long for this.

    I'm in a sense shaken from your statements, they really do reflect a deep sense of uncomfortabilty and unwelcomeness, which for me is hard to juggle with. As you probably know by now, I'm proud of my country, I'm a proud Swiss citizen. I am one of those that is against Switzerland entering the EU, I am one of those that is worried about the unrestricted free movement of persons from EU countries into Switzerland (to be frank, I'm more for a System of points akin to Australia's or Canada's). But still that doesn't mean I approve of anything you have encountered. Even when I am worried about the things I have described above, I'm still for an open and international Switzerland. Let me just re-assure you that not all of us are the way you describe it here. Let me assure you, that there are Swiss open and free of the behaviour you describe (many of the things you describe strike me to be quintessentially "Bünzli" which, as you might know, is something quite frowned among the Swiss, especially the younger ones, themselves). I'm still cherishing the deeply liberal idea of that the software is what counts in people and not the hardware. That's a paradigm I hold dear, as do many of my fellow Swiss. It's just that as with any other country, there are block headed, deeply disturbed people not willing to accept others amongst them. I'm not that way, and many Swiss aren't that way. Just let me give you this on the way. I honestly wish you a hassle free, happy and fullfilled life in Hong-Kong. Cheers

  • Tarquin Farquharson

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    I think the country to far too cosmopolitan and people are too busy working which is why many people find it difficult to make friends. I felt the same when I first started living here ten years ago. Do what I did and import your mates from home !!

  • Pergi ke profil John Koffi

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    Dear Beloved One,
    Good day to you.
    We are a groups of mining company, Precious Stones Resources we are looking for
    a responsible and honest person in terms of sales of Au Metal,
    we only need trustworthy and honest Merchant to deal with our firm
    on this transaction.
    Our Products comes from small private mining sites at Tarkwa
    in Western Region of Accra,
    Ghana where Gold is produce in Large Quantities along the Birim River Belt.

    We will be happy to have you visit Ghana and
    to show you our family mining sites,and see the gold.
    If you can also find somebody to buy it we
    will pay you good commission.
    I will await your reply
    PURITY - 92 %
    PRICE-$35,PER Kilo
    Ms.Beatrice Naab John Kofi

    [[...] ]

  • Pergi ke profil Flo Regina

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    Hello Daniel,
    WOW you really don't like to live in Switzerland....your message is really strong, but I do agree on several points. You should read my book "paradise apparently_ welcome to Switzerland" I believe you will have some fun. Thank you for your honesty and for beeing so direct.
    Flo Regina

  • Pergi ke profil Daniel L

    diposting oleh  di forum Swiss 

    I have been here for 4 years and all of my friends either are foreigners or they have some foreign connection (father or mother are german, spanish, thai, etc...) Work colleagues tend to be really boring and uninterested. (I guess they already have a social circle and see no need or interest to extend it... their loss) The longer I remain here the more I hate the country and its people:
    I hate the Swiss because of their inability to express their own opinion, to be direct and open or to take responsibility. I hate their insincerity, their inferiority complexes, their lack of manners. They way they treat you because you are foreign, especially if your skin colour is dark! My experience is that they are friendly at first but pretty racisist when you look a bit closer.....they are deeply distrustful of anything foreign (they even hate Germans...with whom they share a language...sort of...) I hate that they think anyone with a bit of confidence and openess is arrogant or even rude. I hate that they are unable to think outside of their small and very confined borders. Geographically, mentally and socially! I hate that if they do not have a "drawer" to put you in they will reject you completely. I hate that anything Swiss is without question superior in their about arrogance...sheesh! Switzerland has a very high suicide rate for such a developed and "neutral" country. My theory is that as the Swiss grow older, they become more and more discontented with their dishonest and hypocritical society. (look at the amount of "crazies" in Bern or just look at the facial expression of anyone over 40!) Hence the drooping mouths and suicides....but that's just a theory. I AM SURE THAT THERE ARE FRIENDLY SWISS PEOPLE THAT ARE ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH AS US, BUT I JUST HAVEN'T MET ANY YET...

    The scenery is beautiful! All of the above is not the pretty countrys' fault, so please still come visit. Just don't come to live. You are welcome to leave your money here. Best leave all of it! In a bank. Then leave please! :D

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