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Learning German - how difficult is it?

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I've got a job offer for Frankfurt and am thinking of relocating there with my family. Problem is that none of us speaks any German, and I heard it's really hard.

Any advice on how long it takes to get a basic grip of the language? And how can you get by in Germany in the meantime (with English)?

  • Stefan Dulisch

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    The biggest challenge is German grammar, it is very confusing and complicated.
    I am a German teacher and I never teach or explain any grammar rules in my class.
    Sounds strange? But what if students advance faster because they don´t have to worry constantly about using the right tense.
    Grammar banging slows down any learning process , remember when you were a kid and your mom taught you English? Did she mention any grammar rules?
    BTW, the majority of Germans does n´t know much about grammar but somehow they manage to speak German.
    Have you considered taking classes via skype?
    It is actually better than regular one on one classes,
    if you are interested add me on skype, my username is alamohostel.
    Cheers and viel Spass in Germany!

  • Cristian Gruitaのプロフィールに行く

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    (I guess it's no longer needed), but I'm writing this for others who are maybe confronted with the same problem.
    If you live there, then is relatively easy. Read magazines, watch movies with German subtitles (also German voiceover, it's almost always possible).
    Don't hold back from speaking German, even when you suspect something is not right. Ask the others to correct you always.
    Don't speak English unless absolutely necessary. You will learn German faster.
    I also published a free Android application that helps with the gender of the nouns (one of the more complicated parts of the German language). It's called "Der-Die-Das":

  • maria heinのプロフィールに行く

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    German isn´t a hard language. Maybe the grammer is diffecult but when you speak a littel bit you can leran it in 1-6 months. You must learn for it and than you ´ll see thats not so hard. ;) Of cours for you it ´s listen hard but you need time. That´s the simple secret :)

  • によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    German is difficult to learn, but if you really need it because you want to go to German, you have to study it. All in all immersion you will learn quickly. Speak it as much as possible, it helps!

  • ajay shaw

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    hey guys well i believe that in life if you try something to achieve from right from inside of your heart and cool down your self surely its getable
    thats my experience
    if you trust and believe me if you want if not never mind

  • Lucy T.

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    my mother tongue is Spanish,then english,and i ve been learning german for less than a year and i dont find it that hard...the problem is people block themselves from learning because IT LOOKS HARD,which doesnt mean it is indeed.Same with Japanese,it looks terrible hard and almost impossible to learn at first,but pronunciation is way MUCH easier than symbols.

    Plus i have attention deficit disorder at a high level,if its not so bad for me it means it can be less complicated for almost everyone willing to learn!

  • Anna Leeのプロフィールに行く

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    I have just start learning German for several months. It's so difficult since I don't even have enough time to practising

  • ajay shaw

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    hey cataline
    how is it difficult
    i think germans more sounds like anenglishof some of the words are like similer so on
    even i am studying in germans classes quite bit difficult
    anyways if you foucs then you achive everything

  • ajay shaw

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    hey paul
    first make friends who can understand your english and then tell him he will speak for you

    anyways nowdays everyone can understand germans all youngerster
    sooo i hope there is no problem for this

  • Catalina Marquez

    によるポスト  に ドイツ フォーラム 

    It really depends on you, most of all how much you practice. To get to a goood conversational level of German, you probably need at least 1-2 years of VERY intensive studies :)
