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Looking for a new job opportunity in Dubai

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Dear Sirs/Ladies,

I am writing you due to I'm looking for a new job opportunity.

I worked through a temporary employment companyas a Logistics Supervisor at Robert Bosch Madrid (Spain) until last october 26th covering a sick leave. Previously, I worked for several National and Multinational Companies.

I am living in Madrid right now but I have no problem changin my actual residence if there is any chance abroad.

As a professional, I want to concentrate my career in the areas regarding Distribution or Logistics and be part of a global company that is an industrial leader and contribute to a growing organization
I believe that the qualifications I hold in the area of Logistic / Distribution together with the experience I acquired over more than 13 years in this field (and with customers) would suggest I am suitable for this kind of jobs.

I am confident that my qualifications, skills and past working experiences are relevant to the requirements of the position and I believe I can make significant contributions to the continued success of your organization. I'm a self-motivated, willing to learn and hard-worker candidate

I speak Spanish, (mother tongue), fluent English and basic German (I am learing it right now) and I have good computer knowledge. References under request

If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate in contacting me or please, just leave me a message here


Thank you in advance

Yours sincerely

Isabel Sánchez Marcos

  • Norash contaのプロフィールに行く

    によるポスト  に ドバイ フォーラム 

    Hola chica, que tal? Has logrado conseguir algo?
    Soy mexicana, pero vivo en España y como tu sabes la crisis esta fatal. Termine mi carrera en México, y llevo casi 2 años aqui y no encuentro trabajo. Estoy interesada en mudarme a donde sea, pero quiero crecer profesionalmente. Te escribo por si llegas a saber algo, aunque sea la minima informacion que me puedas brindar para yo poder buscar trabajo en Dubai, donde sea, te lo agradeceria mucho!
    Saludos y mucha suerte!
