Business Networking Group Meeting



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I am hoping to start a Business Networking Group soon in Hurghada. The plan is to meet up once a week and discuss our business with each other, hand out business cards, and refer each other to our clients. We can do this to grow our business. Each week we will have a speaker invited to make it more interesting, and members can have a chance to introduce themselves and their business in detail, when they join the group. I am looking for at least 20 to join. Only one of each profession can join. Eg: if you are an Estate Agent, you will not be able to join if we already have an Estate Agent in our group.So join NOW, before your competition beats you to it. Venue: To be confirmed Time: Every Thursday ~ Lunch Club 12pm ~ 2pm If you are interested in joining the group & more information, please contact Jenna on 01011 289 134 or email me on

Jenna Giannoccaro
 Jenna Giannoccaro