Linkedin for Job Hunters - Branding yourself for the Swedish Job Market


Grow Internationals AB

Sveavägen 98, Stockholm, Sweden Mapa

Are you searching for a job in Sweden but not getting through to an interview? Are you struggling with reaching new relevant contacts on LinkedIn?

Then this workshop is for you!

This workshop will show you how to create a strong professional brand on LinkedIn, that can also be transferred onto an effective CV for the Swedish job market. You will also learn shortcuts and tips on how to optimise your time in order to reach your career goals.

The workshop is led by Barry O'Brien, who has been working in Sweden for nine years, is a certified Social Branding Coach, Professional CV writer and guest speaker at Swedish HR events.Read more about Barry here:

The workshop is free for Grow Internationals members.
Non-members 200 SEK.
Sign up to:

Grow Internationals
 Grow Internationals