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Move to Sweden without speaking Swedish

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Hi guys.
After my studies I would like to move together with my girlfriend in Sweden. My only concern is, that (so far) I don't speak a word of Swedish. My girlfriend thinks this won't be a problem as most people in Sweden speak English very well. What do you think?

  • Ferran B

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    I am really wondering if it is really posible to find a cualifed job without speaking good swedish. All sspaniard coleagues are saying me that is just a swedish myth. They say that the swedish reality indicates just the opposite. One example? All right, I am sure that you all know that spain is going to the helll and of course, as you can imagine, a lot of people is thinking of leaving Spain. But the most of this people worked as engineers, journalist, doctors... Of course you can work as a waiter if you speak english... but what about these other jobs. What do you think my friend?

  • abdelrahman hussein

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    Jag har bott i Sverige i snart tre och ett halvt år och jag klarade SFI(svenska för invandrare) i sex veckor. SAS del ett och två samt svenska A och B. Jag har även tagit svenskt körkort. Men fortfarande är det svårt att hitta jobba inte skaffa vänner heller. Du säger att folk kan prata eller kommunicera på engelska och att ni svenskar tycker om att tala engelska och jag håller med dig helt och hållet, men de måste lära sig språket för utan språket ska man känna sig ensam och utanför samhälle. Idag läser jag på Högskolan(jag tvingades att gör det) för om man inte har rätt kontaktar så är det nästan omöjligt att få ett jobb. Jag tycker att språket är jätte viktigt och man kan inte klara sig utan språket. MEN om man har vänner eller kompisar så kan man jobba utan att kunna något språk'' jag känner flera som inte kan svenska alls och de jobbar och tjänar mycket'' bara för de känner någon chef. Men blir besviken att det funkar så, att erfarenhet och utbildning innebär ingenting.

  • Идите до профила noemi boix

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    in Falköping but I probably have to move to Lund or nearby in september. I don't know now because depends on the job.

  • abdelrahman hussein

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    You're welcome. By the way, where will you stay in Sweden, i mean which city?

  • Идите до профила noemi boix

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    Thank you very much for your help :) This website it's amazing

  • abdelrahman hussein

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    That site will help you alot about learning swedish.
    They will call you to start SFI course efter 3 mounths, and not dirctly when you arrive sweden. But i'm not sure it depends on which city you gona live in. When i come to sweden i had to wait 3 mounths because there wasnt a place for me.

  • Идите до профила noemi boix

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    I'm moving to Sweden in August. I'm Spanish and I would like to get more info about SFI. Sara could you please explain us a bit more information about it? I need information about when and How to enroll to this swedish lessons, what requierements we need to achieve...
    Thanks very much.

  • Thomas David

    објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    hello Emiljano Bleta how are you doing today I want if you can help some of my sister and my brother who want to move to Athen and Sweden, they are coming from nigeria Athens. Now we have go the embassy to ask for invitation latter for visa support. I look forward to hear from you soon.

  • објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    Hi my name is Emiljano Bleta Im a immigrant from Albania and Im living and working in Athens Greece for 13 years now . I want to move in Sweden for a better life and a stardart job for me . I speak English , Greek , French , Italian , Albanian, Spanish , Little beat of Swedish too. I have been working in Mac Donalds as employer in kitchen and in cashier machine too for 7 years. I have been working also in a Starbucks Shop for 1 years as Barista . I have been working also in Book Shop Company as Employer in the office is for 5 years also . My email is [...] and my mobile number is 00306989393644 . Im looking for a job in sweden if any one can help u I wil be very thankfull to all of you guys I wish u the best have a great day

  • објавио/-ла је  у Шведска Форум 

    God guys stop "panicking"! I actually think that Silvia meant to say that Steffen should make an effort and learn SWEDISH and just wrote Spanish instead. Silly mistake? Well I made plenty of those myself. Thinking ahead and writing at the same and the result was a complete confusion. We're human, we make mistakes... ;-)

    In regards to the topic itself... I honestly don't know Steffen... But as my own experience goes - chances to get a job are way higher when know the language. At least a bit. It also depends on what kind of job you're looking for? Sometimes you might get lucky to get a job in an international company (like IBM, Google etc.) where you could use German-English as a main language and study Swedish to get yourself around in the evenings. That happened to my friend. Not in Sweden though.

    And then I completely agree with Sara. You may not think about it now. But really even though the people speak perfect English they switch into their language all the time and you'd feel left out. Not nice. And you get annoyed. With yourself. (my own experience too)

    But I don't know Sweden at all. Unfortunately. Hopefully some day....
    Anyway no matter how you'll decide, I wish you all the best! ;-)

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