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timeline for fiancee visa?

Publicerade inlägg i Belgien forum

hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • Angel John

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    OK.. we are hopeful that this will not take long. I read testimonies of people here (some of them) got there visa
    after 3 months. Well, whatever you say about these ladies. Thanks for the info.

  • Ton Bakker

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    The formal decission period is 6 months. I think you mean Brussels.
    The women are not Dutch, In Belgium they speak French [ around border with France,] and Flemish, [Vlaams] which is a Dutch related dialect.That area is from the cost to German border, below the Netherlands.

  • Angel John

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    Sorry Mr. ton the 2 ladies was asked by Ms.Iya V. Yes there are from Netherlands dutch and french speaking.

    I am sorry if you don't understand my explanation about our Marriage Contract that is now in the procurer.
    This is the only document that my husband brought it there. Braga...or Brugge (i asked my husband about this)
    sorry I am not sure of the place I have to
    ask my husband again. let just say our MC is in the procurer now. (Brugge)

  • Ton Bakker

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    could you explain; 1 ;
    2 ladies from the Netherlands, you mean Dutch speaking ladies/Flemish??
    2;my question about sending documents to Braga Portugal??

  • Angel John

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    But I would like to ask, if the embassy will ask for another fees from my husband. If ever what is it? And can my husband know how much is the visa fee?

  • Angel John

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    The time that I am working with our papers here. My husband told me to send the copy of our
    marriage contract in belgium. It was authenticated by the DFA and the embassy. But we still included our marraige contract in my requirements. I asked this from the embassy and was told that they still need the copy of our marriage contract for their files. I Sent it via DHL and took only 2 days, after my husband had it. It was translated first to dutch and after that my husband brought it to the city hall. It took more than 1 month after my husband received a letter from the city hall that he has to sign some papers there. Then they told him that this will send to the procurer in Brugge (this th right spelling) to recognize and file it there. Then from there, they will let the embassy in Brussels know that our marriage is recognize.

    I asked this to the help.desk in be and told me the same thing

    Iya V..

    There are 2 old ladies from Netherlands in the embassy. The one who first interviewed us during the times that we had our legal capacity, she was 5'5 in height and quite fat she wear glases all the time. The one who interviewed me
    recently, she was big and tall lady about 5;7 in height and had a short curly hair.

  • Rheya Vrs

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    may i ask some question do u remmember the name of the old lady who took your interview..? thankz GODBLESS

  • Ton Bakker

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    ==This will send to the procurer in Braga.== A document from ?? Phillies, sent to Braga, Portugal ????
    Could you explain that??

  • Angel John

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    Thanks very much.

    I would like to share my experience from the time of preparation of my documents up to the time of my inteview. I got my marriage contract and birth certificate in NSO. Get NBI clearance (international). Prepared all of these for almost 1 month, then I called the embassy for appointment. I thought I can get an appointment the next day or within that week but to my surprised I got it last sept 26. They only accommodate 2 person in a day. I lodge in my application last Sept 26 at 9:40 for reunification visa with EU member. i arrived exactly 8:40 am and I was just entering the room when the lady in the counter called my name. Asked my papers and checked it. They have no questions about my documents. I submitted more than they require. The interview was quite tough. It took 4 hrs after I finished the interview. First interview in the counter by the filipina staff. Asked me a lot of things about my husband. Then after 5 min of waiting she called me and asked me to leave my things outside that can only bring pen inside the interview room. I filled up 11 pages of papers. She gave me 30 min to finished it. It's all about our family composition and how I know my husband very well. I completed it before 30 min. Waited again for another 30 min. Then was called by the big lady (she is from netherland) and asked me to get inside her office, continuation of the interview. She couldn't believed that I could answer all the questions from the papers. She even asked me if I knew that things before. I said "no".She could really get into details. Even to my personal life. But I believed that I did my best to answer all her questions. My God help me. She checked again my papers and was asked that they need my husband's land title and his proof of income. Which I have with me and gave to her staff. It was 12:30 noon already. So, if you have your appointment in the morning better to go there as early as possible. Early than your appointment time. i asked the filipina staff how long they could release my visa she told me it depends on the conditions of my papers after they send it to Brussels. That I could check by calling the embassy. We then first submitted our marriage contract in the city hall of Kortrijk (it was translated in dutch) after more than a month, the city hall contacted my husband to go to the city hall and sign some documents.This will send to the procurer in Brugge. And from there when it is recognized they will send a copy in the embassy in Brussels. The best that me and my husband can do now is to be patient and pray for a positive result. Anyways, as husband and wife we are meant to be together.

    But I would like to ask, if the embassy will ask for another fees from my husband. If ever what is it? And can my husband know how much is the visa fee?

    Thanks very much again and I hope I gave an informative experience to everyone.

  • Ton Bakker

    insänt av  i  Belgien forum  

    As far as I know at the site , you can check in with the number you did get after application.;

    Raadpleeg eerst de site ; (Hoe zit het met mijn visumaanvraag?) , indien uw aanvraag voor een beslissing werd doorgegeven aan de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken. Door het kenmerk van uw visumaanvraag en de lokalisatie van het bevoegd consulaat in te voeren zult u informatie bekomen over de status van uw aanvraag.= so with the aplication number you can log in to check the status==
    Neem, indien dat nodig is, vervolgens telefonisch (+ 32 2 793 80 00) of per mail ([...]) contact op met het call center van de Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken.==So you also can make inquiries by phone..

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