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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

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I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here:,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Attacking strangers physically and verbally in real life on the street, at school, in the justice or unjustice system,in the canteen, in the restaurant and on each part of real life is not enough; now they are attacking the strangers in their subtle way and defending their holy Germany on the web on this blog. Wow..
    there are lots of racist german web attackers, in all kind of blogs and articles... Their stupid arguments are all the same... And if they are successful with provoking people by usage of their subtle kind of way, they start with: "calm down." or similar "peaceful" statements, although they provoked the pople. They only want to defend their holy germany; After discrimination towards strangers in real social life like killing them or staring at them or shouting at them or talking about them or refusing them or ignoring them, they have to defend their racism in the web at this forum. They are defending their culture.

    Respecting humanity is more important than respecting any culture of the 19th century...But this phrase can only understood by human beings, not by racists who defend their culture or soccer club or whatever of shit.

    It is really useful that the german racists show their face on this forum: they give evidence to intelligent people from all over the world in the internet what the matter with them is. To argue like "but the other people are also racist or even more racist" or to organise any ideological attacks at this forum with lots of stupid other arguments shows to people what kind of brainless people are living in Germany.

    There are also lots of racist webpages in germany like "political incorrect" who provide the web racists with arguments and show them URL links in the web where they can attack people who do not agree with their racist nonsense. Afterwards,they attack in groups to this webpages and start with their web mobbing. Their arguments and styles are always the same.

    And nobody is allowed to accuse them because of the Third Reich, and nobody is allowed to decrease the
    image of Germany etc.

    In fact,if foreign people want to have holiday in Germany and spend money, the barkeepers are or maybe

    friendly during this few weeks of holiday.

    But if you want to live anywhere of Germany as a physical stranger,that means if you try to rent a flat, find a job, talk to your neighbours, enter to a club, share any kind of social contact, if you want to have a friend or girl friend,if you want to marry and have a family,if you want to have a social life, you will realise that the germans are not living in the year 2013 as they want to show: they are acting conservative like in the 19th century at all places of live like at work, at any club or at any church . The german culture is not democratic.

    They are damaging themselves and increasing their own prison which is called germany.

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Germany is the last White bastion ( if you do not include Russia. But that is much less attractive) . Bad news. You will have to share your piece of cake. Else, you will be forced to. This cunt (as you called me) has already relocated to Luxembourg, It is not about me getting gainful employment or not ( with 1.3 Grade in TU Hamburg, its not tough). Asian do not have sense of entitlement like White trash kiddos like you. Whenever I am denied my piece of cake, you will find same trenchant reaction. Learn to live with assertive ( and academic high achiever) Asians. Deal with it.

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Biggest gainer of this white normative society are East Europeans. They learn German from early age to enter German labour market. Do not worry, this Whiteopia is going to change in a generation. Indians will not have to play any role. You know who will do that !! Till then enjoy.

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I have a German passport now. That allows me to work in Luxembourg. And Oliver have shown his level by using expletives.

    Oliver and Vladimir , both are Caucasian

  • Gå till Vladimir Tatransky's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    No explanation from your side again.
    Ron I never claimed that I had faced a racism in Germany. I just wanted to tell that most of the things that you have mentioned is also not a racism. Simply, if the same things are happening to you and to me then it is not a racism in both cases.

    Yesterday I bought a kebab and there was less meat then I would like - So this can be claimed as official act of racism according to your rules Ron?

    Funny that you have changed your flag to a German one - that really shows what kind of person you are.

    @Oliver: After reading few pages of this forum I have to agree with you :)

    @G.M.: I have the same opinion.

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    " what they can or cannot do " - When did I dictate, what people can or cannot do based on their skin colour ? What they can or cannot experience first hand (an external event, and not their own action) is indeed determined by their skin colour. In this case, a Slovak man cannot face racism in Germany, because his race ( more specifically phenotype) is same as native Germans. (Unless you believe Germans are notch above Slavs)

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Your country ? According to your profile, you hail from USA.

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    Surprise surprise. You need to be Non-Caucasian in order to suffer from racism in a Caucasian majority country. Now, that's what we call famed American IQ. Or are you just being obtuse: intentionally.

    All the best for your crusade for "white people" : Westboro baptist church.. Aha..

  • Gå till Vladimir Tatransky's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    I will not respond in the same manner as you did. I can see a lot of insults but no real arguments.

    If you will get a small bagel in German bakery and I will get a small bagel in the same bakery then it means that in your case it was racism but in my case it is fine - right? When it happened to me I just pointed my finger to a different bagel.

    "You are mixing up asylum seekers with brain drain immigrants" - I'm not mixing anything - all immigrants have the same rights but of course it is easier to get work permit and proper job for skilled ones. We are still in a foreign country and should be respectful to others.

    Prohibition of photos in CV you didn't answer at all - just another insult. In our team there are always at least 2-3 guys from India with the same position and salary as local team members. My previous team lead was from Mali. The girl promoted from position 1 was also from Afrika and overperformed all other German team members. So please do not tell "White job for whites".

    You didn't answer how prohibition of photos in CV suppose to help.
    I talked to others in our team and somehow no one considered that this can be an issue. In Germany it is common to go to professional photographer before you will send your CV out. Somehow this is a tradition in Germany - just check Xing.
    BUT lets consider that photo would be removed (It is not mandatory now - at least I didn't provide any)
    Most of the people would not care but if they do care about the skin color of their employees -
    According to your name, place of birth, attended universities, previous employers it is quite easy to say what is your origin. But even if someone would not notice that while reading your CV then I'm sure that they would notice when you would come over for an interview. So please explain how this can really help.

    "Lastly", as mentioned before I just provided the first link in google and you answered with insults. I'm sure that it would be possible to find the similar results on different sites. According to your reaction the results looks quite accurate. Somehow I missed your links to sites that would show us the "truth".

    Bottom line is that Germany is not without issues but no one should be afraid to visit it because it is absolutely safe there.

  • Gå till Ron Saxena's profil

    insänt av  i Tyskland forum  

    It is a matter of common sense (it has been mentioned in previous posts as well) that one needs to belong to different race in order to experience racism. That renders your riposte: Null and Void. Not that, the rest of the arguments were remarkably ingenious. Anyway :)
    "..welcomed you and provided you with hospitality" : I work in Luxembourg now - greener pasture !! You are mixing up asylum seekers with brain drain immigrants.

    "Prohibition of photos in CV - Can someone tell me how this suppose to help ???" - You proved once again that you are "white jobs for whites" activist. Such prohibition will definitely do a disservice to you. But it will be a boon for visible minorities.

    Lastly, the fact that you take Daily Mail news reports seriously, speaks volumes of your acumen and IQ.

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