Boardgames - Downtown Brussels

Tháng mười một

Funkey Hotel

Rue Artan 116 1030 Schaerbeek, Brussels, Belgium Map

We're presenting a boardgames afternoon with theme: "Party Games". A dedicated session with small & fun games such as Jungle Speed, Mascarade, Dobble, Mito, ... .

Boardgame Monkeys is organizing a special Sunday afternoon session for Brussels's Expats at the Funkey Hotel Brussels from 2PM till approx. 7PM.


-- Event FREE of charge

-- Please BRING your own snacks & drinks.

-- You can RSVP & see the full details on our Meetup Group (see website).

Join now 120+ members to have fun, play and expand your network around modern boardgames !

PG Pecquereau
 PG Pecquereau