
Living in Innsbruck and only speaking English ... help please!! :)

发表在 奥地利论坛

Hello everyone!

I have just moved to Innsbruck (as of Feb 2010) and I am looking to meet people, make new friends and I also need to find a German speaking language course in Innsbruck, that is not too expensive, as my German is rubbish at the moment :( I have been lucky enough to keep the job I had in the UK and work from home in Innsbruck, therefore only available evenings and some weekends...

I would love to hear from someone soon :)

Kind regards,
Gem :)

  • Gemma Hawes

    Hello :)

    发表  Gemma Hawes 在 奥地利论坛 

    Hi Sonja,
    Apologies for the delay in my reply, I am over in London until tomorrow and have been very busy at work :)
    One thing that I really miss in Austria is having my own friends to have coffee with, girlie chats, shop with and go out drinking with! I am not very sporty compared to Austrians either, so you are not alone there haha!
    I live in Rum (five minutes from Innsbruck).
    I really enjoy working from home, and actually get alot more work done working from home than I do when I am in the office as I have no distractions :)
    My boyfriend (Dietmar) was living in England for nearly 2 years and we worked toghether, so met that way...
    Look forward to hearing from you soon
    Gem :)

  • Gemma Hawes

    发表  在 奥地利论坛 

    Hi Sonja,
    You will love it back in Austria! It is such a beautiful country and although unfortunately I still cannot speak German, I really do love this country more than anywhere else I have ever been!
    I could not find a suitable German course unfortunately, as I work remotely from home for a company in London all day, everyday (Mon-Fri)... So just trying to teach myself German with the help of my boyfriend, but my German is very basic at the moment. I am going to keep looking for a one evening a week German teacher, but so far I have been unable to find anyone.
    How long did you live in Austria before you moved? What would you like to do when you move back here? You could always become an English teacher...
    Do you have a lot of family in Austria?
    I have lots of Austrian friends, however they are all my boyfriends friends, so it would be lovely to start making friends of my own too!
    Gem :)
