
In need of a mentor...

发表在 法国论坛

Hi everyone!
My boyfriend and I have decided to uproot and move to France. I've been doing alot of research and frankly, I'm getting a tad bit overwhelmed by all of the paperwork. I'm looking for some good advice from someone who has already taken the plunge. I wanna know what you had to go through so maybe we can avoid the same pit falls. ANY info would be really helpful



  • 发表  在 法国论坛 

    i've also read that its extremely difficut to find a job there. What do you think?

  • 发表  在 法国论坛 

    Hi, I've just moved, here a week. There's a lot of paperwork and at the mo its p ing me off, however it's not so bad as to think of not coming here. You'll get there if you can speak french reasonably well. just set aside time to be walking from a to b to d, to c, back to a etc. Just over plan with what you will bring, eg ID, previous history of insurance from insurance companies - if you intend driving.If you want to set up a bank account or phone connection you will need proof of address. to get an address you will need to proove your economic status i.e that you can pay your rent, in this instance it would be better if possible to have a job sorted thus prooving your sustainability over a period of time. Usually it will cost you a months rent+deposit of a month's rent= over €1000 to get a house. these are a few things, not everything, but if you can do what you can before you get here, then you will be in a better position.

  • 发表  在 法国论坛 

    I actually did Frank and it was very helpful, but some things went right past my head haha..
    I'm super duper confused and have been hearing alot of bad stuff about France that's sort of shying me away. I still want to go, but its pretty wishy washy

  • Frank Wagner

    发表  在 法国论坛 

    Hi Morgan, did you check the Just Landed guide? (Under guides above). It has quite some usefull information on things you need to deal with.

    Good luck! And let us know when you made it ;o)

  • 发表  在 法国论坛 

    Thank you so vey much Patricia!!!

  • Patricia Van Der Walf

    发表  在 法国论坛 

    hi morgen. i haven't moved to france but I came across this on the internet:
    maybe this will help?
    from various moves within the eu i can tell you it's always very stressful no matter how well you are prepared. although it's even worse for non-eu residents, my advice would be: just grin and bear it. it will be worth it in the end!
    enjoy france! :)
