• Gemma Hawes

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Rakousko 

    Hi Sonja,
    Apologies for the delay in my reply, I am over in London until tomorrow and have been very busy at work :)
    One thing that I really miss in Austria is having my own friends to have coffee with, girlie chats, shop with and go out drinking with! I am not very sporty compared to Austrians either, so you are not alone there haha!
    I live in Rum (five minutes from Innsbruck).
    I really enjoy working from home, and actually get alot more work done working from home than I do when I am in the office as I have no distractions :)
    My boyfriend (Dietmar) was living in England for nearly 2 years and we worked toghether, so met that way...
    Look forward to hearing from you soon
    Gem :)

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