• Hot One

    Spaniards... lets talk about it!..

    Publikováno uživatelem  Hot One v Fórum Španělsko 

    I ve been here only for two weeks - yet have not seen a SINGLE good looking, good smelling or polite spaniard! Serious dissapoitment as my "vision" of spanish people was quite the opposite...

    And women.... mean and ugly. I guess they are so frustrated with their cheating, dirlty partners (whom cheat because the prostitutes cost only 20 Euros) that they have to unleash it on someone who might have a smile on their face. WOW...

    And lets talk about their choices of clothes - I ve never seen so much ill-fitted dresses or such a overwhelming amount of ugly shoes. Are we in cosmopolitan city or remote village?... I do wonder...

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