• Laurie Perkins

    Are Germans Rude

    Aufgegeben von  Laurie Perkins in Deutschland Forum  

    Wow!!!! I am American. Hats off to the Gentleman that wrote the long history lesson. I am certain cultural history has a big part in forming "norms" in societies. I have had the pleasure and the honor of visiting Germany on two different occasions. Like with most things, I could list the pros and cons. However, because I am am American, we have the tendency to be a "Polite" society. (Not everyone, but in general) Perhaps, I should say, our society would rather all of us be polite and not speak our minds but nod and smile. We normally smile at everyone we pass by. It is just what you do.

    When I was in Germany (not in Berlin) I noticed quickly the serious looks on "most" people's faces. I was shoved in the store a couple times because I was carelessly blocking the isles, haha! Yes, this was rude and I would have been more than happy to move if someone said "excuse me". However, I took it in good humor for the most part. I did amuse myself one morning walking through the city. I tried to make eye contact with everyone I passed (very difficult task) and then smile and see if they would smile back. Unfortunately, most did not.

    In defense of the Germany Cultural. I will say this, I have friends in Germany and they would do anything in the world for me. I know their love is genuine. I had the pleasure of observing their little family and I was so jealous of how close they were. Americans could take a lesson or two from their family values.

    Let's face it. There are jerks all over the world and just because you are German or American, Italian or whatever does not make you immune. It is better to simply understand the culture so you aren't offended or take something personal that has really nothing to do with you. I love Germans. I have a lot respect for them, but I have also had to hear more than once that "Americans" are superficial. I hate that. I never defend myself, I simply let them get to know me, and let them decide for themselves. I think it is safe to say, that I have one over a few Germans :-)

    I think we should simply love each other for who we are and spend less time pointing out the bad but looking for the good and then trying to understand what feels uncomfortable to us. Having a mutual respect for each other is what is most important. America is big for tolerance, but please remember all those from another country, everything comes at a price. Peace!!!

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