• Adam Zohs

    Thanks for your posts Steven and Dino

    Aufgegeben von  Adam Zohs in Schweiz Forum  

    My goodness,I am with you Dino.When visiting as a tourist,I really and sicerely loved Zurich.Now that i am trying to gain residency here,it is a totally different place.The minute people find out that i am trying to marry one of their precious Swiss Women,the tone changes and the answer to nearly anything is the famous dragging,dull toned nooooooooooooo.Over half the time you later find out that the answer should have most definately have been a snappy yes!!!These are government officials I must add.
    The minute you say something like "Thankyou so much you will be helping so much",the mood changes and they put their stamp away.
    Basically from experience,and from what started as a very postive outlook on a place that i really wanted to move to ,i will say - In general Swiss nationals of Zurich are racist and put themselves on this mythical pedastal.It is a seperatist country that doesnt welcome anyone,nor anything that isnt 4th generation Swiss.The men are sooo rude,but when confronted have no spine.Blah,blah...My fiance is Swiss.After our experience with the Swiss Beaurocracy,she has decided to move with me back to New Zealand.She only wants to return back here for holidays now.Her mother cant belive how hard it has been either.
    In closing i came here as an excited,Freshly engaged man - wanting to start my new life,pay my taxes and become part of this 'great' place.I am leaving shattered not by the country,but by its people and their attitudes.
    First though before i return,i am going to pay a visit to Berlin...thankyou Dino.

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