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  • Jane Theycalme


    publicado por  Jane Theycalme en Foro de Sudáfrica 

    Hi there, sorry, I'm acutally just a newbie myself, so I gotta be guessing some of this and won't be able to give you all. But At least the first bit seems straightforward to me, so I'll give you what I can:

    I don't care what it looks like, I don't care what people (or you?) think, I don't want to [*tell you?* ...] love for you...I have lied to myself, I cannot give 'us' up...I can have 10 other girls tomorrow, and you can get 10 other boyfriends, but the point is, I'd rather go through hell every day, than to be the happiest man and be with someobdy else...

    I'll send this off now, for fear of loosing the bit that I've written. Bear with me...

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