• Studying Finnish at the Uni of Tampere

    پست شده توسط کاربر حذف شده در فنلاند فروم 

    Hei, hyvaa paiva! :)

    I am considering studying languages at The Tampere Uni in Pori, Finland and I am interested in english, german and finnish and would like to get the BA for the TLT( trasnlation, languages and literally) studies.
    I would like to get some more info on the subject : did I understood correctly that education is free for international students? I guess I understood something wrong, but please, let me know about it. Also, I know some basic words in finnish, would that be helpful, a good way to start maybe? if the education is not free, I wonder if there's posibility to get some kind or at least some part of schoolarship and where to turn to for it? any other info on the subject would be greatly appreciated.
    liitos, moikka :)

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