• Harry Kunz

    پست شده توسط  در آلمان فروم 

    Hello zhong lian ni!
    Well, there is no doubt about it, German boys or men like Asian girls! You have already got German friends and they will and can assure you as soon as you are looking to meet somebody to marry you will get somebody nice and decent.
    As in a lot of places Asian girls are very well liked, after all we have a lot of people of Asia living in our country. In Duesseldorf, for example, you have a very big Japanese community because of business relationships. I know, you are not Japanese but that should simply show you there are no problems to meet somebody. And I mean somebody nice and worth to marry.
    Too, there are should be no problems to work or study with your education, nowadays people here are looking for well trained outsiders to come to Germany, they even reversed some laws to make it easier for foreigners to work in Germany.
    The age, nooo problem at all! Do not worry, as soon as you are setting your foot on German soil you will meet somebody.
    I would, of course, recommend to learn our language. After all, as in every country of the world, language is the key for the culture. But you do not have to speak the language to get married.
    So, just hop over and you will find your soulmate!
    If you like I can try to get some definite information about work as a PhD here.

    Best regards!

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