• Siirry mohammed rahman:n profiiliin

    family visit visa_again same message

    lähettäjä  mohammed rahman in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    dear brothers
    please somebody help me, i was applied 2 times my family visit visa, but the same message is coming to resubmit, i don't know what is the problem, i filled all correct details in arabic and english names, the following message is repeating.
    نأمل تعبئة طلب جديد تدون فيه جميع البيانات باللغة العربية ما عداء الاسماء الاجنبية تدون بالاحرف اللاتينية ويدون أسماء المطلوبين للزيارة بشكل كامل كما هو مدون في جواز السفر
    We hope to mobilize a new application record of all data in Arabic names runner foreign recorded Latin initialed and note down the names of wanted to visit fully as it is written in the passport

    please somebody help me,if know anything regarding this message,

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