• More Azores questions...

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    Nate Moore, Jessica, and Jeffrey,

    Nate: Thank you for the info. I did check, recently, and you are correct, I have found that if I time it right, I can drive to Boston, and hop a $575 flight (roundtrip) to the Azores! So I may very well put in a pre-move 'visit' later this year!

    Jeffrey: SO sorry to hear about your illness... I am keeping you and your family in my prayers; I do not know you personally, but your letters here have been friendly and helpful, you are a fellow-American (expat) and you sound like a wonderful, kind person... thoroughly deserving of all the extra love and support that comes your way!
    Hoping this finds you well, hopeful and bearing life, in general, with a continuing positive state of mind...

    Jessica: I m so late in checking my mail here! Surely YOU must have already, like Graham, taken a visit to the Azores by now? As I mentioned to Jeffrey in another message, now that I know the cost of a flight to the Azores CAN be much less than I had initially believed, my hope is to at least pre-visit the islands later this year, possibly by August (2011). Would be lovely to have someone(s) already there to visit with... such as yourself? Jeffrey?

    Looks like Graham has made it, and I am a little saddened by his report, as it sounds as though he was disappointed. Perhaps February is simply just as bleak in the Azores as it is everywhere else?
    I'm not a typical 'island person'. I actually DISLIKE 'tropical' sunny places like the Carribbean islands and coasts, and also cannot tolerate overmuch heat and humidity due to health complications. I need AND want to be somewhere temperate, where it is pretty much on the cooler side most of the year. Looked into Nova Scotia, but the 'cooler' months there are FAR TOO COLD (often in the sub-zero's). The climate of the Azores seemed a much better fit, at least for *my* particular health needs.
    So I have no unrealistic expectations of the Azores Islands being the typical 'hot and sunny' islands many might expect; quite the contrary.
    But I do appreciate Graham's report. His description of the general 'feel' of things does leave me saddened (natives being somewhat suspicious, dismissive, of non-Azoreans), but it is good to know the bad with the good BEFORE getting there. Like any areas that have seen more than their share of tourists and ex-pats, the locals have probably encountered one-too-many 'bad apples' to have much faith in the rest...

    Question for Jeffrey: How difficult will it be for me to bring three indoor cats with me? They are young enough to handle the flight and travel, but too old to leave behind, rehomed (it would kill them, not to mention destroying ME!). Wait times? Fees?
    AND, do you think it is possible to live on any of the islands in an off-the-grid fashion without too much trouble in the local building/dwelling CODES department?
    I've had my eye, speculatively of course (more of a long-range, future goal), on yurt or mobile cottage (think gypsy wagon/roulotte) living, for forever. This may be a more practical possibility were I still considering Nova Scotia (before the extremely cold winters there made me rethink things), not so much the Azores... just wondering....


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