• Adam Zohs

    Just flicking through these posts

    diposting oleh  Adam Zohs di forum Swiss 

    Firstly Benno - you dont work for Swiss tourism do you??lol.I am from New Zealand, a country that a lot of Swiss people travel to.One of the highlights of my country are the people,and their attitudes.It is our pleasure (On a whole) to help those in need,and welcome those that feel alienated.As you can imagine Zurich is a struggle for someone coming from this kind of society.
    I walked into a Souvenier shop yesterday and found a Tourism t-shirt with Uncle Sam pointing sternly on it.The t-shirt should have stated 'We want you', but instead it says 'How Swiss are you'.In most western societies there would be a public outcry at this kind of direct racism/seperatism,but here it is considered humour.Yes i know it is just a T-shirt but when i sent a photo back home,people thought it mustve been from a right wing memorabilia shop....not a tourist shop.lol.
    On a more positve note I find (in Zurich)women seem to be far more welcoming,helpful and friendly.The men have really let this city down.A hot tip for newcomers:if you need directions or help at all,ask a Swiss lady!!I am engaged to one afterall!:).

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