• Catherine Shen

    natural action

    pubblicato da  Catherine Shen in Mondo forum  

    I feel it's a natural action to stick with the ppl who's from their own country when they lived in abroad,especially at the beginning when they just moved to this foreign country based they have no relation or any friends there.For them,it's a new world.Definitely,they will feel very lonely,and wanna find some ppl to be their friends.

    The feeling will be very great when they can meet some ppl who's from their own country,including some foreigners can speak their language,those things can let them feel very moving and happy.That's no doubt.Anyone loves to communicate each other easily,then the called"society circle" will be built.They can spend a lot of time together.

    But the active ppl will remember their purpose why they are in this foreign country.Then,they will realize they should do some changes.Definitely,they would like to know some foreign friends,to exchange the culture.They will have a try to make some foreign friends,maybe the process is difficult,they can be successful if they can move on.Try to learn language,try to know the country culture that they lived,try to understand,etc.

    Anyway,stick with ppl who's from their country is a good thing,but it's also a mazing thing if they can stick with many native ppl of the foreign country that they lived.Just believe that they can,do it with good efforts,then they will get what they want.


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