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    Post-visit update; Confirmation of everything I spoke about- By Azoreans!

    pubblicato da  Dr. J Everyman in Azores forum  

    Shea- I certainly hope you can visit before moving to the Azores. A bit of news that you need to know, I wish to relay to you.

    My wife and I finally took a trip there, met some Azoreans, talked with missionaries who had lived in both Portugal and Azores, and almost everything I mentioned in my posts, which Newhouse denied existed, was confirmed by our visit- and by the native Azoreans! I wasn't making it up, I wasn't being 'cruel,' I was spot on. Much as others would wish to deny it.

    But the most pressing thing I wish to convey to you, should you still be looking to move there, is the issue of DAMP.

    The Irish and English call it 'rising damp.' Moisture in the walls of most buildings constructed, prior to oh, about the 1980's. Mold and mildew - residing in walls, and a very real healthy hazard, is a serious issue in the Azores; and not dealt with by the authorities in updating older construction, or (to our knowledge, after talking to realtors, and the aforementioned individuals) possibly even mandating things for new construction.

    This was an IMMEDIATE turn-off to us, and caused us to re-evaluate our considering the Azores, from (no pun intended) the ground up! Lack of an expat group, the 'insular' mentality, no national MLS service, widely divergent construction models, and a very bland cuisine among the natives, made for a fascinating, but revealing vacation. Great place to visit, wouldn't want to live there. Ambient humidity is close to 100% during the winter months, and yes, it 'dries out' in the summer, but when you live indoors, mold should not be your constant companion. Oh yes, and COCKROACHES are a big problem, because of no frost.

    That's my report. Best of luck to you.

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