• Vai al profilo di Sara Nyberg

    Study Swedish, is it worth it?

    pubblicato da  Sara Nyberg in Svezia forum  

    It is very difficult to find a job I Sweden if you don’t speak Swedish. I have been working as a private Swedish teacher for over 6 years and have met so many, that have moved to Sweden and have a brilliant education and very good job experiences that can’t find any job. So go to SFI, some of the classes are ok others are not. Folkuniversitetet seems to be a good school or maybe ABF. Private teacher can tailor the lessons for you and it will be easier and faster for you to start speaking and understanding Swedish. It costs a bit more but you will be able to find a job quicker and it will be easier to meet new friends. Swedes are very good at English but will not speak it all the time. Most Expats has probably been to a party or maybe at work where they speak English for about 10-15 minutes and the Swedes use Swedish again. It makes you feel left out and sometimes ignored. So as a teacher who met soo many, please study Swedish. It might be hard but it is worth it./
    Sara, studsyswedish.se

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