• Gemma Hawes


    dodane przez  Gemma Hawes w  Austria forum 

    Hi Sonja!

    It takes forever to sink in haha, I still have to pinch myself when driving through the mountains at times, it is simply stunning isn't it :)

    Glad the move went well with no big issues or anything. The unpacking was the worst bit for me too, moved here and into the flat on Sunday, had to clean the flat, unpack everything major and work the next morning, total nightmare!!

    It is way too hot at the moment, I don't like it very much and I am losing a lot of sleep as a result! :(

    My weekend was ok thank you, it went too quickly as always... :)

    I would be totally up for meeting up for a coffee / drink, that would be great. I work until 6:30pm every day (sometimes later) but am also quite flexible. I could meet you either one night during the week after work, or I could meet you on a weekend. This weekend is pretty busy and the next one I am in London again though (just for a couple of days). Let me know when / where is best for you? :)

    Take care,
    Gem :)

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