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    Postado por  Roger B em Suiça forum 

    Of course you're right Jim, this is all a big conspiracy by the Swiss Government... actually our government does have nothing else to do than paying someone to sit in front of a computer all day replying to negative posts, especially on such very important web-pages as justlanded. I think I should create my own militia to defend my constitutional rights against this government...

    Look, Jim, I'm sorry for whatever has happened to you in Switzerland. I guess that there is nothing I can say to change your mind about my country (probably I'm an agent of the government too, right?).

    Let me just put one thing straight for all the others reading. Does Switzerland have racists? You bet it does, as do other countries, be it the US (KKK anyone?), Russia or France! So Switzerland surely is not the happy land of multi-culturalism, but it's not the proto-racist hell on earth Jim wants you to believe it is. It might not be the shining city on the hill either, but what country is? Sole difference between Switzerland and its neighbours in terms of foreigners and immigration is that in Switzerland, people actually have a very direct say when it comes to such topics. In what other country (with the notable exception of the State of California - technically not even a "country" ) do the citizens have not only the right to elect their governments but also vote on referendas and constitutional initiatives at least every quarter? Where citizens have the right to bring to the table almost anything that concerns them and, provided they get enough signatures togehter, have everyone vote about it? Or what other country has the system that it is for the citizens to decide, in an open and fair vote, who should be awarded the Swiss citizenship? In Germany, France, Italy or Austria, the sole medium through which people can voice their dissatisfaction with government is the ordinary elections (except in rare cases) held every four or five years. About things like the anti-minaret initiative or the soon to be voted on "deportation" initiative the French, German or Italian citizens, to name a few, simply do not have a direct say. In other words, direct democracy also tends to expose the direct fears and insecurities of people. It's not always good and I'm surely not always happy about the outcome, but at least it leads to an immediate feedback.

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