• Sara de España

    Hi Julia!

    опубликовал  Sara de España в форум в Испания 

    Note:That a man flirting with you dont mean you have to accept this, sometimes is just a game for make you the life more beautiful and to can draw an smile in your face.

    I think is not so bad a man give you some "attentions",piropos or say things or so ...

    I mean: when you was born with this, this can be normal, always they respect you and no make more than this. (They dont do it, at least with spanish women)

    Sometimes living in Spain if one day I had a bad day or so .. I would like to be invisible and nobody look at you .. sometimes I wish this dont be on this way ...

    But when I arrived abroad, to Germany. I missed very much this. Here all is very indepedietly and sometimes you have the sensation to be alone and that you dont matter to nobody.

    when they try to flirting or so .. they are direct . .face to face .. and I say Why not? it is better to flirt in a chat? - No for me

    We are a culture who like to be direct, and having contact with persons. I really need to talk easilly with person and to know all my whole street where I life! hehe ...

    I like people talk with me easily and when they tell you all his life in one minute when you dont know this person and tomorrow you find this person and smile you and say: hey, hello !!!

    I miss to say to the waiter Schhhh Antonio !!! Carry me one coke and start to talk with him and ask him for the family and he to me ...

    I liked to have the sensation you matter to other persons and I miss when you have a bad day and someone ask you ...
    what happen you? where you go with this face?

    and you tell to this persons your problems and then maybe they make you a joke and you start to laugth, then you listen things that animated you and beautiful words like : came on beautiful! I dont want to see you so sad ... ! and other things are impossible to translate.

    Yeah, my like all this, from the respect of course.

    But if I could choosse was born again and I would can to choosse the country ... I would born spanish again for have all love I have received there ,from my childhood.

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