Winstar Tandverzorging bv

О мени

Winstar  Tandverzorging bv
 Winstar Tandverzorging bv
О мени:
We are looking for dentists with enthousiasm to start a new career in the Netherlands, with love for dentistry, speak (fluently) English and willing to learn dutch. BIG registration is not obliged, we tell you all about that in a personal conversation.
Место пребивалишта:
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
English, Dutch
Интересују Вас:
Пријатељи, Пословни контакти


van IJsendijkstraat 152


Winstar tandverzorging bv
Веб страница:
Блог предузећа:
International Employment
Подручје рада:
Dentists recruitment
Office Manager
Претходна каријера:
We guide and advise foreign dentists who aim to work in the Netherlands. We help with all necessary steps that need to be taken in order to start a career here. Please call or e-mail us for further details or make an appointment.
+31 (0) 299 451 111
van IJsendijkstraat 152


  • Winstar  Tandverzorging bv
     Winstar Tandverzorging bv

    Work as orthodontist in the Netherlands

    For qualified dentists from abroad, work in Holland is an excellent opportunity.
    The average income for dentists in the Netherlands is very good, but depends individual skills of the dentist, specialists orthodontistry are especially highly requested.

    Winstar can help you find a dentist vacancy / employer in the Netherlands. If you’re motivated and enthusiastic, have the intention of settling for a long time in the Netherlands, we would like to advise you and help you proceed successfully.

    To work in Holland it is required to get a BIG registration. Work as dentist in Holland when not registered is an offence punishable in law. Citizens of an EEA country or Switzerland are in eligible for direct registration. After registration as Dentist you can request to be listed as Orthodontist-specialist. A list of approved diploma's you can find on our website. Winstar can help you with the process to register as specialist. Once you are listed as specialist orthodontist, the financial options are very good.

    It is also important to learn Dutch. Most practice owners shall impose conditions requiring that you can speak and understand Dutch. It increases your chances of finding a suitable job considerably when you already speak or start learning Dutch.

    Visit our website for more information or send email (in english) [...]

    Please tell us your personal details such as; name, gender, age, country you live, nationality and marital state.

    Approved diploma's orthodontics

    Approved diploma's dentists Diplomas Dentist.pdf