• I want to go Romania too

    insänt av Användaren är raderad i Rumenien forum  

    I tried to do same too, becuase i love a man from there, so much, he lives there,but get the visa is so dificult, the only way, for some countries is getting an invitation letter, wish is not easy too, because they said , u can take it, with a turistic agency, but a called many, and they said, that are not avalible, to do that, the only way, is by a person, think so, but however, that person need at least, 3000 euro for to invited u, thats why my bf told me. IM SO SORRY, WE CANT BE TOGUETER, AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Hope in day we can see us in real, or if someone can help me to go there, i will thanks 4ever, or i wil pay to that person, lol what he neeeds when i arrive there :) .

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