kool boy

என்னை பற்றி

kool boy
 kool boy
இங்கே வாழ்பவர்கள்:
நண்பர்கள், தேதி, வணிகத்தொடர்புகள்
வயது :
33 ஆண்டுகள்
Australia, Bhutan


  •  kool boy

    dear friends im a simple guy... with poor family background and i need help from you all to study further... as i don't have any relatives to help me as i completed my secondarily school in 2007 and still i m left without any job and could not go for further studies as because i don't have anyone to help.. my parents doesn't have work as they are divorced and i have only my mom who can support but now she is also old and she cannot afford me.. i work for a restaurant but i cannot go to school as they paying me just to spent my leaving of my mom and my self... my only dream is to study further and want to complete my degree and masters and fulfill my mother's dream ....

    so if anyone want to help and save my life of a poor guy

    contact me .my email adress is [...].
    i have my pictures there .... so please email me.....