• ไปที่แฟ้มประวัติของ canuck s


    โพสต์โดย  canuck s ใน ห้องสนทนา สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ 

    ok, so with all due respect i am going to go back to the original question of this thread, as well as give a short overview of my situation, in hopes of maybe getting some tips on udnerstanding swiss mentality without having to turn into a negative depressed and constantly griping expat.

    i moved here 2 years ago, i was really positive and looking forward to experiencing something new. i soon learned that the mentality here is very different than back home and that it is harder to make friends. Ive noticed that the people here (wether they be swiss or something else) tend to be very reserved, apprehensive and even suspicious when you try to make friends. I've experienced people being nice enough to my face if i happen to be around, but would never of their own accord ask me to go out because i am not swiss and i don't fit in with their swiss friends. These people all grew up in the same set of villages, have all their friends from school and dorf and have absolutely no interest in forging new friendships, not even on a superficial level. I've finally finally managed to make 2 friends (i guess more acquaintances) after totally going out of my way. I've noticed it takes alot more than being friendly and nice and humourous, you have to totally take initiative and keep at it. But why is this so? I find it sad that this village mentality is so predominant (somewhat akin to small town mentality in canada). People miss out on great experiences just because they dont like and or are suspicious of foreigners. And Canada has tons of foreigerns, Ive never had a problem there.

    And just a few other comments. Right after I landed here, I was told I better change my name because i sound "too jugo" and would never find a job. And the Gemeinde and the Migrations Amt treated me like shit, took over a year to give me my bpass which was my right after i married. That delay prohibited me from working, which messed up my integration in many different ways.They never apologized or made recompense for their mistake, they just blamed everyone else. They even told me that Canada "solte sich anpassen" to Switzerland because Switzerland has a larger population. Is what the Gemeinde guy said. No even kidding. This is the ignorance I have had to deal with. I never recieved any support of any kind, not financial or language course or otherwise. I never even recieved an explanation about the rules or laws or anything here. I had to discover eveything the hard way. Where is the support for immigrants, this infamous care package that every asylant seems to get? Or maybe even just a booklet that explains what I need, the laws, etc? I think its a crock of shit to say that every foreigner here gets everything on a silver platter, because the Behörden here did nothing but set me back. If i would have known that I would have told my husband to come to me in Canada, where we actually have concrete supports set in place to help immigrants integrate while retaining their culture. Oh yes, can you believe it? You can shoot your obligatorisch 300 m in Canada too. It just seems sad to me that the swiss can be so unfriendly, when i came to this country without any negative intentions. Now that i've made an effort to integrate, speak german, etc, i still cant get any slack from the swiss. And i understand that slagging a country and being constantly negative is bad, (even though this country totally screwed me over) but you cant look at anything critically here, that will get you shot. Canadians are the first to tell you whats wrong with their country, laugh about it, and then try to make it better. For everyone, not just themselves!
    To all swiss people reading this who actually have an interest in being befriended with foreigens, kudos to you! I would like to hear something other than all the reasons my opinion is wrong (even if it is based on my experiences). I know there are awesome cool swiss people out there! Sadly the majority reigns.

