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  • Tony Swope

    Thank you for your insight

    posted by  Tony Swope in Germany forum 

    I have been doing a great deal of online research and I must say that your experience and the experience of the indian in Dresden was enlightening. I will say this I am not motivated or controlled by fear, arrogance, or ignorance but I understand that their are quite a few people that unfortunately are. I have been offered a 3 contracting position near Weisbaden. This will be my first time in Germany for extended period of time and I must say as a Black american I am concerned. If there was no problem or if the issue was truly be blown out of proportion then why is there so many articles, videos, blogs, and forums about the level of intolerance that apparently does exist in Germany. Now it is not my intention to judge I can only go on what I see. I see that Germany is not perfect it has problems as you will find everywhere. After reading a BBC article about german journalist Gunter Walraff. I must ask a question how many people of color (Yellow, Brown, Black, etc.) would feel they had a good opportunity waiting for them if they were to immigrate to Germany right now?

    All I know is that there are good balanced and objective people in every society. It is truly ashame that in Europe after two world wars and everything that has happened people have short memories. However, it is no different than here in the U.S. it all depends where you are and most importantly the quality of people that you are with. I intend to take the experiences shared and use them to my advantage I know that in most cases 20% of any group is responsible for 80% of most issues and problems. Thanks for everyone's input I am learning a great deal and I must say that so far xenophobia/racism in Germany appears with greater frequency based on skin color and cultural background.

    If you have not read this article please read it. A real eye opener

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