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    posted by  John Lovejoy in Germany forum 

    @ YT,
    You are reciting some convenient cliff notes and no offense but also appear to subscribe to some more than simplistic and a little one sided Alex Jones’s rhetoric.
    I like Alex and he is an important voice but you can’t take everything he says as gospel.

    In the 1930s every 4th immigrant to the US was German bringing with them Nazi doctrine which at the time pulled Germany out of a previously devastating depression right on the heals of America’s own depression.

    Below is link to a brilliant Documentary about the Nazi movement in America which also is the history of the boundaries of American Freedom because no other European import was ever such a threat to our liberties and free speech.
    Even during the ongoing holocaust in Europe a well known American Nazi leader was defended in court by a top notch American Jewish lawyer.
    Because according to our constitution freedom of expression is for all...even the most wicked.
    It is well over an hr long, very thorough on fact and quite fascinating documentary.

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