• about CH

    hozzászóló: Törölt felhasználó itt Svájc fórum 

    Well I find, the Swiss are oftern very much work focused. No mistakes are allowed. One of my supervisors fell off the chair with a burn out and the "girl" who is now in his position critizes every small mistake made. For example at the moment I have to work for 2 people as HR was not able to recrute for a new team member who left about 3,5 months ago. I forgot to book off CHF 37,35 in our favor on a Friday evening at 19:15. The first thing I heard on Monday morning was why?? She could not understand that worjing for two people for 3 months s.t. leads to stuff being not done on time. Our head sales manager was German and they fired him. In a meeting the Swiss CEO told us "now we are looking for someone more like me who also understands the "Swiss Mentality". The German sales manager was found 6 months later in bath tub after having a heart attack. I never forget the day he said good bye to all of us with sweat on his forehead.

    Another time we were delivered Ice Cream in the summer stored in a big freezer. 2 girls took out a bag full of ice cream and tucked it away just in case someone should want one of the sort they like the most. So when I went to take one at 35 degrees outside I was told they are all counted for!!!! These people are so small minded it just gives you the chills sometimes. No joke, another supervisor from Austria whom the girls did not like took an ice cream and one of the girls then paraded the bag in the office saying out loud "hmmm I wonder who took the ice cream they were especially reserved for us". These people are mad. I think swiss think they are hard working but often they just talk a lot and then criitizise others for the smallest mistake being made. By saying sorry I have only two hands and cannot do 3 things at once I was told "but we all have to cover for other people. S.t. I really feel like this country is a golden cage. You live, you survive but there is no freedom or peace of mind. I whish I had not stayed that long and am looking for a job back home.


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