• antonio cruz

    new in switzerland!!

    hozzászóló:  antonio cruz itt Svájc fórum 

    HI everybody i'm new in this website and also i'm going to be new in switzerland I have a weird story, I'm from Guadalajara Mexico I have lived in long beach California, iowa, Los Cabos (Mexico) Vancouver and also in Cancun.
    I met my girlfriend here in Cancun she is from Lausanne ,she came for the school and unfortunately she had to go
    I said it is a weird story because we were in loved so I decide to go to switzerland to follow her, I don't want to make a long story the point is that her parents doesn't want me to be there and she still at school and i don't have a place to arrived I'm wondering if some of you know a very cheap place like a hostel or if some of you have a place in your house to be there for a while untill I found the way to be with my girl I don't care if is not in Lausanne could be in Zurich.
    If you have something just let me know thank you!


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