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    I dont think you are uderstanding my posts

    发表  Susie M. 在 葡萄牙论坛 

    I used my province of Quebec (who have seperatists who want to leave Canada) as an example of a real place where Anglos, immigrants and foreigners who are in the minority have a problem breaking in to the higher echelons of the work force. Over here, if you have an English sounding family name, its your kiss of death. You make it sound like stuff like this only happens in Portugal when its quite common just about everywhere. Im too lazy to go back and check, but it may have also been you who stated that Spain wasnt as bad as Portugal. Spain, the country where fans monkey chanted black football players and who still have parades where people like Sergio Ramos put on black face to comemorate kicking out the Moors hundreds of years ago? Lets be serious, here. If you want to tell me that nepotism is a problem in Portugal, I will agree with you. If you want to tell me that Portugal is more racist than any other European society, Id tell you to get a grip on reality.

