• jack garcia


    发表  jack garcia 在 葡萄牙论坛 

    Forgive me if I appear disrespectful- such is not my intention, but:

    Your comments are merely plethoras of ill-founded digressions; devoid of social comprehension; oblivious to resolutions concerning social dysfunctions within ALL countries. Your 'alleged' studies are merely personalised suppositions which appear to have been gleaned from the worst of publications. Rather than present a rationalised argument, you, merely, present prejudicial tripe against the people of Portugal. It is a complete non-sense - devoid of the most menial rational and , apparently, prompted by a personal bitterness which clearly exudes from each paragraph and sentence with a verb.

    No disrespect but you have to live here, in Portugal- or, in fact, any country- to qualify rational comments. An armchair, daily journal and a television do not fare well in the repository of relevant facts.

